Ever want to forget everybody else’s expectations and just…be you? When you volunteer with Girl Scouts, you’ll be creating a community where being your unfiltered, goofiest, most authentic self is the absolute best thing you can be.
You’ll be showing the next generation that what makes them unique also makes them powerful, and that everyone has a lot more fun when no one has to worry about being judged.
This sense of belonging and community of forever friends gives Girl
Scouts the courage to try new things, test their limits, and work
toward goals as a team. It’s what drives them to explore their
communities, help others, and solve problems. It’s what helps them
speak up for what’s right and feel proud of who they are.
When they’re having fun, there’s no limit to what Girl Scouts can do.
You don’t have to have a kid of your own to get involved, you simply have to care. Your local council can help get you started.
Already know your volunteer position? Register below!
Not sure how you want to get involved? Keep reading or email us with your questions info@girlscoutsccc.org.
GSCCC policy is to conduct a criminal background check on all new volunteers. We require a Live Scan to be completed for volunteers that expect to be in direct contact with girl scouts for more than 16 hours per month or more than 32 hours per year. This is in direct compliance with California’s Assembly Bill 506 (AB506) – California’s Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Act. An exception to requiring a live scan is if the adult is volunteering only a few times throughout the year that does not exceed the hourly limitation. In this case, they do not need a live scan; although, they do need to complete and pass a background check from our partnered company, Sterling.
Volunteers must also complete California's Mandated Reporter Training. AB506 designates that volunteers that work with children must complete the required training before interacting with them. Please log into your gsLearn account to complete the 635: Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training.
For more information or questions, please contact our customer care by phone at 800-822-2427, or by email at info@girlscoutsccc.org.