"Our troop loves to get together and go camping any chance we get!!"

Shop with one of our amazing Girl Scouts below! There are girls in every county in our council who would love for you to help them reach their goals. So check your county and see who you can support!
"Our troop loves to get together and go camping any chance we get!!"
"My troop is saving up for a big trip to celebrate Bridging at the end of 8th grade! Accomplishing my goals would mean supporting my troop to do the things we love plus being able to give and serve our community."
"My troop is going to work on an awesome water conservation project that we hope to showcase at our cookie booths to get the public to commit to saving water with us. Funds from fall product sales will be able to help us with this project! Accomplishing my goals makes me feel proud and confident!"
"My fall product goal is to raise funds to support a proposed silver award I call 'Fairies for cancer'. This campaign will allow me to learn woodworking skills to build fairy houses for kids undergoing cancer treatment which is a priority for me. Another portion of my funds will allow me to do some work around mental health advocacy through fashion design, self care awareness as well as learning baking and cooking skills. I’m hoping you can support me as many young people my age typical withdraw from scouting in my area. I’m hoping to truly impact myself and my community. It has not been an easy journey for me as I suffer from anxiety but Girl Scouts has provided me spaces and opportunities to challenge my anxiety and learn to navigate it better with my friends and the adults who care about me. Your support will open greater opportunities like the possibility of going to college, service learning, teamwork and much more."
"My Fall Sales goal this year is to raise money to help us earn our silver award that we are looking forward to working on. I am also earning money to give back to the our community. We are looking forward to continuing to grow our troop funds so eventually we may be able to go on a trip together as a troop. Fundraising for our troop is very important, this makes it possible for us to give back, continue to learn life lessons, and do more great activities and adventures . I have reached my online fall sales goal but I always try to achieve more than I set out for. Please consider using my link to order your goodies, magazines, Bark Boxes for your furry pals, tumblers, and of course your personalized items. Don't forget Christmas is around the corner!
Thank you In advance for your consideration"
"I am hoping to sell as much or more than I did last year! The funds earned will help my troop give back to the community and pay for our fun troop outings! Thank you for your support!"
"I want to sell 50 nuts and candies and 10 magazines. If I make my goal it will make me happy to help my troop earn money."
"My goal is to sell 100 products to help me go to the Boardwalk overnight trip. We attended last year as a troop and had tons of fun. The funds raised will also help pay for other girls to attend the trip that may not meet the 100 item goal."
"Raise money to do fun activities and learn new life skills."
"I always want to be top seller because it means that I worked really hard for my troop. My troop plans on doing really fun activities."
"I want to sell 38 items. It will help my troop do fun things this year."
"My troop has been saving to go to Disneyland. Our goal is to sell as many nuts/chocolates as we can to earn for this expedition."
"My troop is saving money so we can do service learning projects and outdoor activities"
"My troop is brand new this year so we are raising as much as we can for all the activities and service projects this year. We also want to go camping as a troop with some of what we earn!"
"I am a first year Junior and want to start planning a Bronze award. We have a very small troop, so we need to begin early. Also, we would love to go to Disneyland!"
"I want to reach my goal so I can help all of our troop go on a cruise together. We went to Savannah, GA last time and had fun."
"I want to sell as many things as I can so I can help my troop go to the rock climbing gym for our bridging ceremony. I really want to go!"
"I want to sell 38 nuts/candy and 5 magazines to help my troop pay for all of the fun things we do. We want to go to the rock climbing gym and have fun camping trips planned."
"I want to have fun and sell a lot of treats!"
"Our troop is raising funds to travel. A year ago we went to Savannah GA. This summer we are planning a trip to Hawaii. Then in two more years we want to go on an international trip. This November we are going to Yosemite and plan to complete a journey and do a take action project. This year I received my Silver Award and next year I will start working on my Gold!"
"This fall fundraiser, goals I have would be talking to more people, making new friends, and sharing ideas with others. As a troop we plan to attend more outdoor activities and take small trips."
"I need help reaching my magazine Fall Product goal. I have already reached my nut & chocolate goal but need help finding [people] who would love to buy some awesome magazines! I want to reach my goal to help my troop raise money for our holiday community service projects."
"My goal is to sell 100 nut/candy items so I can go to the Santa Cruz overnight and to raise money for my troop to go on trips and do badges and community service."
"My goal for this years Fall Products is to sell 150 nuts and chocolates. Me and my troop would love to go to Disneyland and Italy with Girl Scouts and by being a top seller and getting those good cookie booths we can make that possible! We will do everything we can to reach our goals and anything helps!"
"My fall product goals are to sell as much as I can because I know that every bit helps my troops earn the funds to keep doing the fun stuff we get to do! We would love to do more camping trips and maybe one year try Kaleidoscope!"
"My Fall Product goals are to sell at least 5 magazines and 50 nuts and chocolates products. And if I am able to sell more, this will help my troop replenish our troop bank account so we can plan fun troop meetings and work on our badges. Our troop also love outdoor fun. So, the funds will be used for camping trips."
"We want to go on our first troop camping trip!"
"My goal is 38 nuts and 5 magazines but the best part of fall product sales is gaining more confidence in myself. I am learning to be more outgoing."
"My troop plans on going camping!"
This is Chloe's first year and so far, she has loved learning and growing. Her favorite part of fall product has been woking hard to earn patches and trying to win the big elephant stuffy!
"My troop's fall product goal was to go out and meet people and tell them about my troop and hoping they would buy some fall sales product from me. If our troop reaches our goal our troop will be able to pay for all of the girls to do the boardwalk activity in the spring time. I really hope that happens. We also like to go horse back riding and want to go camping!!"
"My goal is to sell at least 10 magazines and more (I already sold 12!) and at least 100 nuts and candy. Not only will the money help my troop go on several camping trips in the coming year, but I really want to hit the 100 items level so I can earn the 2 tickets to attend the overnight at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk with my mom in the spring. I am so close to hitting my goal. Thank you for considering helping me reach it!"
"My goal is 38 nut and chocolate items and 5 magazines and more. I have already sold more than 5 magazines and more! My troop is hoping to go on a bridging trip next summer when we bridge to Cadettes. We love doing fun things together!"
Our troop will host a camping trip with the money we raise!
"This is my 13th, and final year participating in fall product sales and I would love to achieve my goal of selling 38 packages of nuts or candies! This is our senior year of girl scouts, and my troop is hoping we can go to Disneyland as one final trip for our troop, most of which have been together since Kinder!"
"My goal is to raise funds for more outdoor activities. I want to help my troop and also learn more about money. I’m really interested in how money works!
"My goal is to have more outdoor troop activities. I hope to learn how to identify and count coins and dollars!!"
"My goal this year is to sell 100 nuts and chocolate items and 5 magazines. I was able to participate last year in the Fall Fundraiser and sold that quantity so I am really hoping I can do it again this year. It would be great to join in the fun at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for meeting my goal! My troop does really fun things like camping and learning about how Girl Scouts can help change the world. I hope I can do that!"
"Goal is to sell 100 fall product items. Will use funds for troop bonding activities, community service projects, and upcoming bronze award project."
"My Fall goal is to earn enough money to help budget our Bronze Award Project. As a troop, we want to making our Bronze Award Project meaningful to us and to our community. We're thinking as a group to see what type of community project would benefit our community the most."
"My goal is 160 items. As of today, I’m 35 items away. My Girl Scout Sisters and I are hoping to save up enough money to go to the 2026 National Girl Scout Convention in Washington D.C."
"Fall product is really fun because I can make money for our troop to go i our first camping trip."
"We are planning a camping trip, with an adventure course!"
"My goal is to sell 100 or more products so that I can earn the boardwalk overnight!"
"My goal is to sell enough to earn money for our troop. We plan on using the funds to decorate and donate a Christmas tree for an auction for a cancer charity. My grandpa passed from cancer and everyone in our troop has had a loved one who's been affected by cancer."
"My goal is to earn money selling Fall Products so that I can continue to have amazing experiences as a Girl Scout. My troop has used the money we earn to bridge by zip lining over the animals at the Wild Animal Park and by walking over the Golden Gate Bridge. We also take classes and learn new things. Troop funds also help us give back; we are finishing our Silver Award! We created learning kits for a local children's museum and shared them with kids all over our community this year to help kids have more STEAM learning opportunities."
"We have so many fun things planned like a beekeeping tour, stem challenges and seeing Wicked!"
"My goal is to sell 5 magazines and 75 nuts and chocolates. My troop plans to attend camp at Rawhide Ranch in the spring and also implement a battery recycling project at our school."
"I would like to sell 5 magazines and 75 nuts and chocolates items! We want to go to horse camp!"
"My Goal is to sell 80 nuts and candy items and 5 magazines. Accomplishing my goal would mean so much because my sister could see that you can get there if you just keep trying. Our troop plans to use our money to continue to work on our badges, and journeys, plan a camping trip and have a Christmas party at skating plus this year."
"My goal is 50 nuts and candies and 5 magazines. Accomplishing my goal would be great because it's a lot of hard work. I want to help people and work on fun badges and have and awesome christmas party."
"I hope to sell 10 magazines and over 100 nut and chocolate items. Now that we're Brownies, we have a lot of fun activities planned like camping, rock climbing, and making Christmas stockings for kids in our town."
"My goal is to sell 75 nuts & candy and 5 magazines. I'm working extra hard because some of my normal customers are not ordering this year because of their health. I would really like to reach my goal. I always try to be a top earner in my troop. My troop is planning a trip to the snow in January."
"Being in Girl Scouts, I can make the world a better place. Girl Scouts do activities and help the community while learning important skills that will help us forever. My goal this year is to sell 5 magazines and 38 or more nut and chocolate items to help Girl Scouts, and so that our troop can go on fun trips and learn new skills!"
"My Fall Product Goal is to help my troop by doing my best to reach at least 5 magazine and 38 nuts/chocolate in sales. Accomplishing this goal shows that you can achieve a lot with good time management... while juggling a lot of things. I am also fundraising for other groups that I am in, so it takes a lot of work and creativity to succeed in all of them. My troop has plans to give to our local animal shelter by doing activities (like making toys for the cats)."
"Our troop plans to go cabin camping at Frazier park for the Blue Madonnas Cadettes Go Crazy event, start our Silver award service project, and participate in other activities."
"My goal is 5 magazines and 24 nuts. I went door to door in the neighborhood to help reach my goal. My mom posted on social and emailed grandparents. I’m still a few shy of my goal. My troop is going to go to the LA Zoo to see the Asian Elephants and learn more about them."
"My troop wants to camp on the Channel Islands. I want to raise money so my troop can go there."
"Our troop wants to raise funds so we can continue to go on amazing camping trips and do fun activities like hiking, archery, laser tag, and paintball."
"My goal is to sell at least 100 candy/nut products and at least 15 of other items. My troop always does a service project with our funds! In the last few years we have built owl boxes and had them installed them locally, replanted a butterfly garden, as well as many smaller projects for foster children locally. We are also hoping the troop will earn enough for a 2 day horse camp for us!"
"It’s fun to sell Girl Scout candy and nuts. It’s good motivation for our troop to earn funds to use to keep going on fun adventures. We want to go on trips, a water park, the zoo, or even Underwood Farms would be fun. My goal is to win a Girl Scout gift card or credits so I can buy some of the fun things the store and website have."
"I've already sold my goal but want to see if I can double my sales. Our troop wants to use the money to adopt a family for the holidays (we would provide all of the food for a family in need and possible some holiday presents too)."
"We are going on an amazing end of year camping trip and helping out our community with beach cleanups."
"Our troop is raising money so we can start planning our Bronze Award Project. We’d like to do something to help wildlife of mental health. I like getting to tell people about all my favorite fall product items we sell. My favorite part is eating the chocolate covered raisins."
"I worked hard to complete my magazine and nut goal but I was hoping to sell a tumbler, bark box and care to share but I haven’t sold any! This has been a challenge and helping me would help my troop do fun things this year! We want to go on a big field trip and having been saving but we are not at that goal yet."