Whitewater Rafting on the Kern River (C/S/A)
Date: Tue Jul 09, 9:00 AM PST - Tue Jul 09, 4:00 PM PST

Kern River Flyer

Ready for an adventure? Join your sister Girl Scouts for a day on the Kern River! Girls will spend the day learning about paddle sports and put their skills to the test rafting down 3.5 miles of the Kern River with Eagle Rafting.

This event is open to Cadette, Senior and Ambassador girls, only Senior Girl Scouts will receive their Paddle Badge for this event. 

Adults are welcome to join in on the fun and raft with the girls!

A BBQ lunch will be provided for participants, and girls will walk away from the day with their Cadette Paddle Badge and a boatload of great memories. 

A detailed list of what to bring will be provided upon registration.

No tagalongs. No pets.

Participants who require accommodations for the trip or have any allergies or health related concerns please contact info@ during registration so we can make sure to accommodate you.