Adult Outdoor Training (V) Goleta
Date: Wed Oct 17, 6:00 PM PST

Part A: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 6-9PM

Part B: Sunday, October 21, 2018 10AM-4PM

You must attend both parts (in order) to be Outdoor certified.

PREREQUISITE:     2019 Registration, Completed Background Check and Stepping Out Training.

Stepping Out Manual

Stepping Out Test

Proof of Stepping Out completion must be sent to by October 10, 2018

Outdoor Training is a two-part training.  Part A is a classroom based training where you will learn the basics of planning a girl-led camping trip.  You will be put into patrols and challenged to go through the process of   planning a council approved trip.  You will be meal planning during part A.  At the completion of part A, you will need to gather/shop for supplies for part B.

Part B Outdoor Training is a practical application of the preparation you did during part A and will be located outdoors.  You will be required to bring various camping supplies and/or food.