Adult Outdoor Training - Los Osos
Date: Wed Mar 21, 6:30 PM PST - Wed Mar 21, 9:30 PM PST

Click here for the Outdoor Training flyer!

Part A: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:30PM — 9:30 PM

Part B: Saturday, March 24, 2018 9:00AM — 4:00 PM

Outdoor Training enables you to learn skills needed for camping and outdoor cooking over an open flame.  You will learn how to implement a girl-led camping trip, how to cook in the outdoors, tie-knots, and much more.

PREREQUISITE:      Registered, Completed Background Check and Stepping Out Training.

Graded Stepping Out test must be emailed to Eileen Murta by February 28, 2018.  Her email address is

EVENT DETAILS:  Outdoor Training is a two-part training.  Part A is a classroom based training where you will learn the basics of planning a girl-led camping trip.  You will be put into patrols and challenged to go through the process of planning a council approved trip.  You will be meal planning during part A.  At the completion of Part A, you will need to gather/shop for supplies for part B.

Part B Outdoor Training is a practical application of the preparation you did during part A and will be located outdoors.  You will be required to bring various camping supplies and/or food.